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Old 21-11-2007, 12:59 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
doug doug is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2007
Posts: 17
Default Beware who you listen to....

"Malcolm" wrote in message

In article , doug

(1) I have "off the air" so to speak for about 5 to 8 years;
Nursing a human person. We lost the fight.
Before that I lost my greenhouse crops due to vine weevils.
I have , more or less, at last got my house and garden and all

stabilised and back to the standard they previously were.

(2).......Correct me if I am wrong but I seem to remember, - way back in
time, - a Law coming into use which said that anyone caught killing black
SlugS would be hauled before the Courts and fined heavily The reason

was that it upsets the balance of the various species and deprives nature

keeping a proper balance among the "Grub" species , thus putting it out

kilter thus causing the upsetting of the true natural balance in the

Please note, :-
(A) - This is not a foolish joke.
(B) - I drink exclusively Earl Grey Tea and/or tapwater exclusively'
(C) - I am more or less sound in mind and fit in body and my financial
state is even better.
(D) - Hence, - I have no axe to grind.

It's a load of nonsense - or a foolish joke! And axes are a bit OTT when
it comes to dealing with slugs, IMO :-)


Get lost Dumbell.
You don't have the intelligence to understand the saying, - "Axe to grind".
Douglas Adam Denny.