Battery Charger Question - need part A-0705L - where can I find it ?
I have a battery charger, Husky brand. It's about the fourth one in a
row I've bought and had break. This one lasted longer than all the
others, combined. Meaning more than one day. Hey I don't explain 'em
it's just how it happened.
Right now it's a $45 paperweight. I believe the problem is a circuit
breaker (at least that's the only description I've found of it.) Part
number A-0705L. It's roughly 1 X 1/2 inch with two prongs sticking
up, one 90 degree from the other, 30A. I only describe it cuz in
other places I've asked several people suggest a house circuit
breaker. It's not one of those ...
The @($#*& manufacturer refuses to sell me the part, wanting me to
ship this 10 lb weight across country so they can put the part in.
I'd buy a new BC but I'm not having good luck with them.
Any ideas? Who might have this part. Is there a workaround ?
Anything ?
BTW, it isn't burned out (no burnt smell on the transformer). It
simply stopped working in the middle of a charge. It had been
charging for a few minutes, humming, then wasn't. It hadn't been
dropped, it was packed away in it's box after every use ( 5 or 6 max).
Thanks !