19-11-2007, 07:41 PM
posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 793
Winter has arrived
judith.lea wrote:
On Nov 17, 9:33 pm, "Pete C" wrote:
David in Normandy wrote:
The mice must be finding it cold too - I keep gardening shoes and
leather gloves in a lean-to. One of the shoes was stuffed full of
leaves as was one of the gloves. While I can appreciate these may be
des-res apartments for mice in Winter why do they feel it necessary
to crap inside them too? :-(
I always roll my gardening gloves. Not because of mice, but spiders.
All gone now, but earlier autumn, there was hundreds of 'em in my
garden, shed, and house. Hate the bu**ers!
Pete C
London, UK
I can't believe it - I have been looking for you for ages to thank you
for the bluebells, and you turn up twice in one day !!
I'm a bus
Pete C
London, UK