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18-11-2007, 02:48 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,752
In article ,
Sacha writes:
| On 18/11/07 12:11, in article
, "Janet
| Tweedy" wrote:
| In article
| ,
| judith.lea writes
| |
| | All I can say is that Her Majesty is not as particular as me, I would
| | never dream of sitting on a public loo!!!
| You're lucky!
| Why? :-)
| You must either never drink tea or coffee or have a large bladder or
| never be more than 45 minutes from a private 'facility'
or have you
| developed functions that the rest of the female gardening population
| hasn't?
| I admit that I'm with Judith on this one. I do my utmost to avoid having to
| visit public loos and - mostly - I succeed. ;-)
Janet is right, but is understating the case, perhaps on the grounds of
good taste and public decency.
In addition to that, you had better not have urinary retention problems
(as many elderly men do), irritable bowel syndrome or anything else that
makes you subject to chronic or unpredictable diarrhoea, or need them
for any other purpose. Well, Judith DID ask :-)
Nick Maclaren.
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Nick Maclaren
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