In article ,
We went to a different Garden Centre to our usual one, mainly because it was
nearer and we only wanted one specific plant. When we got home and Joan went
to plant it out, she too found these granules which she wasn't sure about.
Yes she does know all about water retaining granules, but these were in the
'iffy' area just as yours seem to be. She telephoned our usual Garden Centre
and spoke to them and their advice was "If in doubt, wash off all of the
existing compost and plant bare root"
Kind regards
Not in my opinion very good advice, since a few snail eggs are hardly
likely to do the plant much harm, you can not see vine weavil eggs they
are too small and translucent, but planting bare root except in the
dormant period is not likely to do the plant any favours, and with some
plants could prove fatal.
Would suggest anyone who is in doubt or confused goes on a hunt in their
greenhouse or cold frame lifting pots, stones, matting etc, shouldn't
take long to find some snail eggs and once seen you will never confuse
the two again.
Charlie Pridham, Gardening in Cornwall
Holders of national collections of Clematis viticella cultivars and
Lapageria rosea