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Old 17-11-2007, 11:46 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha Sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
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Default chrysanthemum cuttings

On 17/11/07 08:49, in article ,
"Stuart Noble" wrote:

Anne Jackson wrote:
The message from Sacha contains these

So you'd pull off a side shoot with a heel? Then what? Will they need
heat to root? Sorry, I'm not too experienced with cuttings.

When it comes to thinks like carnations and pinks etc., I just used to tear
off the little shoots, dip them in hormone rooting powder and put them into
cutting compost. I didn't worry about a 'heel'. Ray prefers the hormone
rooting liquid - I don't think he's ever done a scientific trial but he
seems to feel he gets a better result with it.

I just put them in a jar of water, and they root. I found 'baby food'
jars were ideal for the purpose.

That doesn't sound too technical :-)

Anne reminds me that I once did the same with a piece I tore off a
Passiflora caerulea (the 'hardy' passionflower) I'd taken a bit (with
permission) from a friend's garden above Dartmouth and I just stuck it in a
glass of water and watched the roots grow. Then I put it into some potting
compost and let it grow on a bit. Last time I saw it in the garden I had
then, it was doing a take over bid on just about everything around it.

South Devon
(remove weeds from address)
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