Thread: Frost
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Old 16-11-2007, 07:36 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
judith.lea judith.lea is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 196
Default Frost

On Nov 16, 5:38 pm, Sacha wrote:
On 16/11/07 17:18, in article

"judith.lea" wrote:
On Nov 15, 10:12 am, Sacha wrote:
A mild one here last night - just enough to whiten the grass. But the
Dahlias are still going!

South Devon
(remove weeds from address)
'We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our

Sacha, it is now minus 9 here in La Chapelle and the temp is still
dropping. There was a fall of snow at Super Besse today, much too
early as the hotels have not opened yet!! Suddenly everything in the
garden had drooped, including me, I am staying in front of a log fire!


We went to visit a friend on the other side of Dartmoor today. He's an
artist who has a studio right beside a weir at Lopwell and as we enjoy it in
all weathers, we went over the moor. However, the temperature dropped about
4 degrees between here and there (he's fairly near the now-famous
Crapstone!) The colours of the trees were much more intense over there and
because it is, or was, all part of the Maristow estate, it's heavily wooded
so the colours were just fabulous. We saw dozens of pheasants plodding
about and on the mud of the estuary we saw a grey heron, an egret, some
redshanks and numerous gulls and swans, including a black swan. You can see
the Tamar bridge in the distance - it's a gorgeous spot. According to
Robin, this global warming has meant that egrets are now extending their
feeding and breeding areas and there's quite a flock of them in that area.
Driving back to our side of the moor, we saw the trees still have quite a
bit of green on them in places and aren't ready to fall just yet. It's less
than hour's drive but the differences are quite marked. But I was SO cold
that I thought I'd never get warm again. Stupidly, I'd taken only a
fleece-lined gilet to wear over my jersey and I froze to the bone - low
cloud and rain didn't improve matters but when we got home, I cranked the
thermostat up and now feel a bit more human!

South Devon
(remove weeds from address)
'We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our
children.'- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

You need a warm bath and a G&T!
