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Old 16-11-2007, 04:52 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Don H3 Don H3 is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 47
Default Are Runner Bean Beans Edible?

On Nov 15, 6:26 am, Des Higgins wrote:
On Nov 15, 12:18 pm, "Amethyst Deceiver"

Davy wrote:


Because in Britain kidney beans are only available as dried beans and
therefore have to be boiled to make them edible, there are few
recorded cases of red kidney bean poisoning - mostly due to people
adding the beans to slow casserole cookers which don't boil the
beans. I could find no reported cases of poisoning from runner beans.

Only available as dried beans? Whoever did the research you found seems to
have forgotten tins!

Well spotted. Most people probably do indeed get them from tins. I
think the tinned ones are already cooked though but please do not sue
me if they are not and you accidentally poison all around you.


Wet Yorks

I bought a dozen or so tins (of various beans) at a discount outlet a
while back.
Nuked in a microwave and added to something I don't remember (probably
a knock-together soup), 1/2 a can of "kidney" or maybe it was the
"small red" - beans, were so hard as to be inedible, although they had
been packed in a syrup. (Which I normally drink after emptying the
can, or use later as a base).
I presumed they were uncooked and tossed the whole batch (and juice)
after nuking another 10 minutes failed to soften them... Does any of
this make sense to anyone?
I haven't opened anymore of those... Not comfortable w/ the
experience, although my stove is working now so I'm not dependent on
the microwave.
