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Old 15-11-2007, 07:19 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David in Normandy[_3_] David in Normandy[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2007
Posts: 129
Default chrysanthemum cuttings

In article , Sacha
On 15/11/07 15:02, in article ,
"Stuart Noble" wrote:

Is it possible to take cuttings from cut flowers? There are so many nice
varieties in the florists, and it seems a shame to bin them. I know
they're easy to propagate, but how would you go about it at this time of
year? I have a small plastic type greenhouse outside and the odd window
sill inside, but basically not a lot of room.
Also, I can't say I'm keen on the big showy types. Are there some old
fashioned single flower varieties that I could look out for next year? I
particularly like the brick red ones I remember as a kid, and any late
flowering types would be of interest.
Can't get over how crazy these plants are producing all this colour in
mid November!

You can sometimes get slips or non-flowering shoots on some cut flowers,
including carnations and pinks, so it's always worth a try. I don't know
about chrysanths - never tried. The nearest you're likely to get to the
old-fashioned ones in a florists would, I think, be the ones the florists
call ayr chrysanths or spray chrysanths. ayr means all year round.

The Mrs has grown many a pink from a bouquet. When it's time to discard
the flowers into the compost, pinks have often put out a few roots while
standing in water in a vase. So well worth checking before discarding
any bouquets - if there are any roots on anything pot 'em up.
David in Normandy