Are Runner Bean Beans Edible?
Mary Fisher writes
"Davy" wrote in message
news:KdSdnQPkTMMG1qbanZ2dnUVZ8sGvnZ2d@brightview. com...
Like many people I have left the last pods of my runner beans unpicked to
provide seed for next year. But the pods are still very green and lush
not drying at all. So I opened one to check the beans - they were
purple -
just like the beans I sowed in the spring.
Out of curiosity I tasted one - it was superb - even raw.
Now I have a question - why are not runner beans grown to produce edible
beans? I know that the very similar red kidney beans are poisonous until
soaked in water for many hours. Is there a problem with runner beans?
thanks, Davy
While weeding the erstwhile runner bean patch today prior to mulching it
with shreddings and letting the hens fertilise and turn it over I found a
large green pod, obviously dropped when we picked our last lot.
I opened it and it had purple beans inside so I put them in with the boiling
potatoes and we ate them with the shin beef stew.
We always eat purple beans which come from missed pods.
And we're still here :-)
There seems to be some confusion as to the purpose of soaking the red
kidney beans - it is to make them edible, but not by removing the
poison, it's because they are too hard to eat before they have been
soaked. The bit that renders them non-poisonous is boiling them - even
if you're cooking them in a slow cooker, it is advisable to boil them
for 10 minutes before.
As far as I am aware, runner beans are in the same category. So Mary has
no problem because she boils them.