Pet Safe Vines?
Scott Hildenbrand wrote in
Purple passion flower seems to also be on the edible list,
as well as Scarlett runner beans.. Anyone have experience
on those three?
i grow scarlet runner beans. they're just an heirloom runner
(vine), so nothing poisonous about them. the beans are good
very small *or* full grown. there's a not so tasty week or so
between the stages where thay're no good as shell beans & too
tough for using like snaps. they also make good dry beans...
however they *are* a very lurid pink & purple spotted combo.
they turn green when cooked fresh, but the dry beans stay
kinda pink/purple.
hummingbirds like the flowers. they need a fairly warm soil
to sprout, but they grow fairly quickly, not very
branchy/bushy, so plant fairly close if you want coverage of
the screen.
purple podded string beans have similar growth habits & nice
purple flowers (scarlet runner flowers are red & white). make
sure you don't get the bush type on those.
either one if you keep the beans picked, they keep growing &
blooming until frost.
Question with boldness even the existence of god; because if
there be
one, he must more approve the homage of reason than that of
fear. - Thomas Jefferson