Thread: Pet Safe Vines?
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Old 12-11-2007, 06:28 PM posted to rec.gardens
Scott Hildenbrand Scott Hildenbrand is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2007
Posts: 246
Default Pet Safe Vines?

Bill R wrote:
Scott Hildenbrand wrote:

As some of you had seen I'd been working on a 34x34' dog run off the
back of our house for our hounds.

I'm finished with the fence and am working on a deck section and 8
foot ramp that will lead from the house to ground level for the dogs.

Anyway, the deck is built with a height of 3', and a final height of
5' with the railing. The face side I'm going to use lattice which will
go the full 5 foot height.

I'm going to put a vine on it, but need advice on what would do best.

During summer it gets part sun from 11am till dusk. Fall it's mostly
shaded by the house.

I'd need something that is totally pet safe, just in case they decide
to munch on it. I'm not sure which ones are as none of the sites seem
to cover this info.

The more flowers, the better, but anything is good. I'm going to end
up training what ever grows there to grow along the balusters of the
full 8' ramp as well as on the 5' deck section.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance!

As a general rule, any vine (or plant) that has berries on it is NOT
safe around pets. One safe vine that I would consider is Clematis.
There are lots of varieties that will give you a lot of color and some
nice foliage and there is almost no maintenance with them. It takes
them a few years to grow and you need to pick the ones that are right
for your area and situation.

Also, vines like morning glory (annuals) grow quickly and (usually)
reseed themselves every year and they come in lots of colors.

So Clematis is indeed pet safe then.. Good.. It's one of the ones I was
leaning towards using... Best thing about Clematis is you can easily
train the main branch and prune the crud out of it back to the main
without much problem.

Glad that you brought up Morning Glory, since I was hoping to grow some
on the fence itself as well as some Cypress Vine so those two are good
options for it then.