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Old 09-11-2007, 08:24 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Mary Fisher Mary Fisher is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 2,441
Default Can I draw your attention to

"shazzbat" wrote in message

"B.T. Technical Support" wrote in message

The charter for this news group and in particular the section regarding
gardening in other parts of the world

In the absence of more appropriate, geographically specific newsgroups,
discussion of gardening in Eire, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
will also be welcome. Because there are climatic, legal, cultural and
other differences, discussion of gardening in other parts of the world is

Lets try and keep ON TOPIC from now on or at least start any thread that
is outside the charter with _Off Topic_ in the subject line.

It's in the nature of gardeners to talk and share information about
gardening, even gardening in other places. And since most of the plants we
like to nurture are natives of other lands, discussion of them is not all
that off topic.

And with the way the seasons are changing, whatever your opinions on
climate change and the alleged effects thereof, what is OT today may not
be OT tomorrow. There was for instance an item on TV yesterday about
proteas, natives of Southern Africa, flowering for the first time outdoors
in UK.

And if something is OT, then so what? Nobody dies. You just don't join in
the threads that don't interest you. There, another problem solved. Next

Lighten up, you know it makes sense.


Hear Hear!
