Mildew on new Turf
"judith.lea" wrote in message
On Nov 8, 10:32 am, Des Higgins wrote:
On Nov 7, 7:20 pm, "pied piper" wrote:
"Bas" wrote in message
Hi ti you all.
I laid a seeded turf lawn a month ago and have noticed in the last
that it has about a dozen small patches (around 4" circles) of what
looks like mildew.It also has that earthey smell that a associate
I live in the South-east of England.
The lawn is East facing and only 50 square metres in size.It dosn`t
have any obvious shaded areas,though it dosn`t get a great deal of
this time of the year anyway.
I never had this problem with my old lawn.(which was mainly weeds
Can anybody give me any ideas of the cause of this.
Might it be something else ?
Should it be treated with a fungiside ?
Hope some of you seasoned experts can point me in the right direction
on this one.
Thanks. Bas.
sounds like fuzz shouldnt do to much damage just spike and seed scars
disease has gone.
Dont brush or cut as this will spread the spores.
Or a treatment of a systemic fugicide should do the trick.
Or failing that buy a gun and shoot that **** DES.
Last time I am going to try to help out round here.
Sheesh.- Hide quoted text -
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Nooooooooooo Des, I need you and your advice, you don't let one
interfere with you helping others, sheesh!!!! Hugs xxxx
Lonely housewife alert Des u have a stalker