Thread: Butcher's Blue?
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Old 08-11-2007, 12:44 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Uncle Marvo Uncle Marvo is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 742
Default Butcher's Blue?

In reply to Janet Tweedy ) who wrote this in
, I, Marvo, say :

In article , Sacha

Can't think of one offhand, though I'll consult the Oracle. ;-) She's
not thinking of Perovskia Blue Spire or Ruta graveolens
Jackman's Blue, is she?

No she's quite a clued up gardener, apparently she asked the owner of
the garden and she was told that the variety was Butcher's Blue. She's
wading through all plants with blue in the name at the moment via the
Plantfinder! She likes cottagey stuff so I am assuming it's a
perennial or a hardy annual.

Butcher's blue is a colour, not a variety. Like cobalt blue, royal blue etc.
Or like buddleia "royal purple", for instance.

It is the colour of a butcher's apron, or used to be. It is a very dark
blue, probably not seen much nowadays as most butchers hide in dark places,
you only see the shop attendants!

I only know this because my old man used to be a butcher :-)

There is a picture of a proper apron here

It's nearly black, see?