Thread: Do you compost
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Old 06-11-2007, 11:34 PM posted to
Bob F Bob F is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2007
Posts: 762
Default Do you compost

"jthread" wrote in message

My situation is this:

I can back my truck up at the local landfill, and for $20, they will fill the
back of an 8' bed with compost that they have made of organic materials they
have made. This compost includes fertilizers and all the best of things my
taxes can buy.

Our citys compost at one time was contaminated by chemicals some homeowners use
on their yard. It killed some plants it was used on.

So why do I compost, you ask. So that I have a place to put my grass
clippings, kitchen trash, and various items.

I thank all the people who were in on the discussion and had positive things
to add on the topic. I learned a lot. About composting, and about posters.


good for you dude. i'm really glad the city p/u's our clipping or i'd have a
compost pile too. i had one at my house in round rock but because the yard was
so large i filled my bin with about 4 mowings. i needed about 3 bins to keep
up. i didn't want to mulch cause the lawn really needed to breath. it was
choked from the previous owner cause he always mulched.

you have to keep after a compost pile. it needs green and brown waste, dirt,
water, sunlight, turning. it's quite a chore.

Mine works fine with 99% greens, a little sprinkle of dirt, no added water or
turning. It's easier than loading the stuff into bins and hauling them to the

I really like that barrel idea cause the turning is the really hard part. but
in my old house that would of held about 1.5 mowings. and i mowed once a week
in the summer.

Try just skipping the turning and giving it more time.
