Thread: Mulching?
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Old 05-11-2007, 09:19 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Emrys Davies Emrys Davies is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 253
Default Mulching?

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I have just planted some bulbs: Tulips, Narcissus, Allium Moly, Allium
Ostrowskanium and Puschkinias

On the bulb packs it says that once planted I should protect the bulbs
from the cold by mulching. I am a bit confused I have been reading on
the Internet that bulbs need cold in order to develop?

Also I don't really understand the concept of mulching. Apparently it
is possible to mulch with compost but then I don't really understand
in what way that is different to burying the bulbs deeper? If I bury
the bulbs 4 inches deep and mulch with 2 inches of compost. Isn't it
pretty much the same as if I had initially buried them 6 inches deep?
At least in terms of protection from the cold?


Certain bulbs need to be planted at a particular depth and normally we
try and conform to that requirement. In fact some planting tools
indicate the depth at which certain bulbs need to be planted.

The mulch is intended to protect the bulbs in severe weather and will
not be necessary during the type of winters which we are experiencing at
the moment. However, a mulch is recommended. It will help retain
moisture, suppress weeds, invigorate the soil and hasten the growth of
the bulbs by having a warming influence on the soil.

Emrys Davies.