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Old 02-11-2007, 05:28 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha Sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 2,995
Default 'Salcombe rosemary'

On 2/11/07 15:29, in article
, "

On 2 Nov, 14:38, Sacha wrote:
Even if I did forget that I'd posted a photo of it

Good. You did forget. As you did forget you had already talked to
Olivier about it 9 months ago.

No, I did not forget I'd spoken to Olivier about that rosemary and indeed,
I've spoken to him about others. I said nothing to indicate that I had
forgotten speaking to him. He's very kindly sent us cuttings of some of his
other rosemaries. And no, I did not speak to Clara, whoever Clara is. Yes,
I forgot about the photo probably because it was put up on our web site,
not through tinypic and a link to here. So what?? You make gazillions of
errors BUT you never admit yours, they're always someone else's fault.

And yes, I meant Rosemary not Lavender
- dealing with a huge swap of lavenders at the moment. Easy done.

But better not done when you're repeatedly telling other people that a slip
of memory or a trenchant summation of your vile and disgusting character,
means they're senile or alcoholic. You, madam, are a lingistic slut, so
don't try worming your way round me.

It happens to everybody, doesn't it. It's just a matter of not taking
people for fools ;o)

But you are a fool. *Still* you persist in showing yourself up as both
foolish, devious, manipulative, mendacious and ridiculous. You've proved it
over and over again. However much you dig yourself into the mire you just
go on doing it. Opinions of you couldn't be lower than they are now and
that's saying something given your history here.

obviously, given the
recent reactions, so did a lot of other people! ;-)

Glad you are smiling so much at the moment. Good for the soul.

I'm still trying to
figure out what my crime is, though.

You're up and down with your emotions like a yoyo. I just hope you
stay on the higher frame of mind. You're much more attractive that
way. Bon week end.

It's rich to see you talking about someone else's emotions when the
slightest disagreement with you about the ID of a plant produces eruptions
of rage and language straight from the gutter.

Given the number of people you've annoyed, offended, disgusted and insulted,
I'm not surprised you're trying to ingratiate yourself again - it's
penetrated even your thick skull that you've gone too far. It won't work
because you're too well known for this now - hurling insults left, right and
centre when you don't get your own way is not likely to bring you many
friends in real life or on a newsgroup. Your reputation on other groups
proves that.

South Devon
(remove weeds from address)
'We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our