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Old 31-10-2007, 05:36 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sage Sage is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2007
Posts: 4
Default Greenhouses v. Polytunnels

"Des Higgins" wrote in message
On Oct 31, 10:29 am, "Sage" wrote:
"Des Higgins" wrote in message

On Oct 30, 3:41 pm, Des Higgins wrote:
On Oct 30, 1:41 pm, "Kate Morgan" wrote:

I have just come in from my greenhouse muttering about the fact that
greenhouses like workshops, are never big enough :-) As we are
planning to
move to Scotland my husband suggests that I go for a polytunnel. I
beginning to warm to the idea but would appreciate some opinions
group :-)


We have a suburban backgarden and so space is limited and we have a
12x8 foot greenhouse which I think is better for confined spaces but
is more expensive. If I had a big country patch, I would prefer a
polytunnel and would prefer to have a whopping big one as I think it
would be much cheaper that way (big poly tunnel much cheaper than huge

ok, looks like I am outvoted; alright then, if I had a choice, I would
choose a nice wooden greenhouse with a brick base, as long as it came
with a small bloke to paint it every 2 years.

Howya Father :-)

My missus went and invested in a very nice bespoke pitched roof
( with brick base) from Hartleys about 2 years ago. It is made from thick
sections of aluminium and is a cream colour. No painting required and
long outlive her ( and me as well). It looks like its made from timber.
Glad to see yer settling down at last!


Blessings Kevin my son; I am a changed man. I have finally made peace
with all trolls and now wish nothing but calm intercourse on matters
of a horticultural nature. I have invested in a heavy duty
waterproof cassock for all work in my mixed borders.


Glad to hear it Father, the road to Damascus experience is a truly uplifting
sight to behold especially when one has lead such a torrid life as yourself.
There is nothing more we want at this stage of our lives other than calm
intercourse on any matters, horticultural or otherwise.

BTW, if you email me proctork at iol dot ie I can arrange for you to see a
very nice greenhouse/glasshouse. Its also a sanctuary at times from the
cares of this world.