Thread: Suttons seeds
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Old 28-10-2007, 07:17 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
K K is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,966
Default Suttons seeds

"Sacha" wrote
Ah - gifted teachers. I was lucky in that I had good English and French
teachers early on but absolutely terrible maths teachers. To this day I
can't do or understand Sudoku - it's another language to me and not one to
which I have the key. But because I had good *early* arithmetic teachers,
can add up at the speed of light!

Sudoku is a puzzle of logic. The symbols can be any 9 distinct symbols -
the fact they are numbers doesn't make the puzzle mathemetical any more
than one would regard it as verbal if it used the letters A-I instead.

Killer sudoku, otoh, does require a certain facility with arithmetic
(though not mathematics) alongside logic.
