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Old 25-10-2007, 02:21 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha Sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 2,995
Default Another question about planting ivy

On 25/10/07 12:11, in article
, "

On 25 Oct, 09:29, Sacha wrote:
On 25/10/07 02:33, in article , "skinty"


I Would think or explore something else as we all now ivy
can take over the Garden & Cause all sorts of Problems

wrote in message
On 21 Oct, 14:22, "Space" wrote:
I have finally had enough of looking out of our patio doors into next
conservatory. So I have decided to screen it from my view.
our garden is north facing and any plants to provide a screen would be in
the shade.
I need all year cover. I tried bamboo but it will take forever to grow to
the desired height.
so I am now considering a 6ft x 4ft trellis and covering it with ivy.
ivy will not take over my entire garden?!!

Hiya Space. I always wanted the Hedera hibernica 'Digitata Crûg Gold'
because it is SO golden yellow.The Crug Gold is the closer I've found
to the one I planted out but mine has very little leaves. It has
brighten up the corner of my garden so brilliantly, all year round,
north facing and is climbing all over John, a sculpture below. Failing
that give any ivy a bright background, like I've done for our porch.
Green and pink is yummy and will have you smile all year round ;o)

How peculiar that 'skinty' and Helene Rudlin should write absolutely
identical posts. Yet another shape shift?

Right. Sorry for the knee jerk reaction here everybody, but with Sacha
and I history - it's quite understandable.

Sacha, look closely at the post. Skinty has top posted and
contradicted me in fact. Second, he/she has never came here before and
I suspect a troll. Please for the peace of this newsgroup try to
refrain from fights. You've tried several times with Mike - it's
tedious now. Just enjoy people's post and don't think you are policing
this forum. Just take it easy and all will be well.

I apologise, you're quite right, I didn't see the top posting. The
behaviour of several trolls has left everyone suspicious. I'm glad you
realise it was understandable, however.
And please, skip the lecture especially with regard to Crowe. I do not
answer his posts, nor do most others. That's why he tries to disrupt the
group and you know that, too.

South Devon
(remove weeds from address)
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