25-10-2007, 03:22 AM
posted to alt.home.repair,sci.engr.heat-vent-ac,uk.d-i-y,alt.home.lawn.garden,alt.hvac
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 2
LG Art Cool Air Conditioners
George wrote:
Zyp wrote:
Latest models of LG Art Cool can be found here, with pictures,
specifications, and instructions for install and repair
why is it on a blogspot website? Wouldn't LG have their own ?
Exactly, Google owns blogspot and officially encourages users to get
click revenue. Thats why you see all of the spam postings for
blogspots. Users then rip off content from other sites to have lame
content and then spam newsgroups to try and get people to go to their
Now see, I learn new things everyday! Who says on old dog can't learn?