Leaf drop on new holly
On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 12:53:35 +0100, Janet Tweedy
wrote and included this (or some of this):
I've never done this Janet, so I asked Ray. He says start them in the pots
selecting plants with strong leaders and stems. I'm assuming you want to
keep them potted?
Yes I would like them potted it was just that I thought from your other
email that they might get to the desired height quicker if I put them in
the soil for a couple of years!
9 years ago I had a lovely variegated holly standard, 7' tall with a
3' ball on top.
I had to move it as we were building a conservatory.
Got out as much roots as possible (not very much) and dragged it to a
new location.
It sulked for nearly 4 years, lost most of its leaves, and then
decided, bugger it, I'm going to live, and it did. Now it's really
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