Thread: Fig bount!
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Old 18-10-2007, 02:59 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Uncle Marvo Uncle Marvo is offline
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Default Fig bount!

In reply to ) who wrote this in
, I, Marvo, say :

On 18 Oct, 12:47, "Uncle Marvo"
I've always wondered about those crunchy figs ..

I eat mine with foie gras or in a Salade Perigourdine, just like
me ;o)

Did you know .... " If you're willing to put your prejudices aside,
there can be plenty of variety in insect-eating. Earthworms are 70%
protein and soaking them in water overnight will purge them of soil.
Ants have a vinegary taste; in countries such as Thailand ant juice is
sometimes substituted for recipes that call for lemon. Honey bees, a
worldwide favourite, are edible at all stages of growth, larval, pupal
and adult. Boiling breaks down the poison in their stingers. Moths are
said to taste like almonds and have the advantage of being easy to
catch with a bright light. Termites are second only to grasshoppers as
the most commonly eaten insect and in Nigeria you can buy termite
stock cubes. Fly larvae - or maggots - are rich in calories and
protein. Scoop them off decomposed meat, wash in cold water, boil and
they're ready to eat. 'In the natural, they are easy to capture and
often found in clusters in such places as road kill,' advises one
source. Crickets can be an excellent and healthy alternative to meat.
100g of crickets contains 12g of protein and only 5.5g of fat. 100g of
beef has more protein - 18 percent - but also has 18 percent fat."

Bon appetit ....

I've had ants, a bloke bought them back for the mysterious East in a packet,
like we'd have a packet of peanuts. They were roasted in some sort of
coating, mainly sugar I think. Crunchy.

I couldn't really enjoy them, it was more the novelty value.