Mowed the garden
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14-10-2007, 03:23 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 64
Mowed the garden
Clark... wrote:
Srgnt Billko wrote:
The squash / pumpkin area (about 20 by 70) - vines and weeds. Once
the vines spread I can't get the tiller through to keep weeds down
so they kinda take over - but since the squash keep growing we don't
worry about it. So now everything is picked and there are a lot of
weeds 3' high and some 5 and 6' high. I mow through real slow and
after a week go over it again. Then I will plow it under and in the
spring just disc and till . I thought of Clark as my Wheelhorse was
chewing up those big weeds chuckle
Now If I can get her to mow down the steep hills, I'd be all set.
So you bought one of those handy dandy Sears life insurance policies
on her when you bought the mower? %)
She is insured to the gills!!
I get close to 700 thousand if she (god forbid) gets killed in some kinda
freak mowing accident.
Why me?
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