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Old 14-10-2007, 01:17 AM posted to
Srgnt Billko Srgnt Billko is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 530
Default Mowed the garden

"Clark..." wrote in message
Srgnt Billko wrote:
The squash / pumpkin area (about 20 by 70) - vines and weeds. Once
the vines spread I can't get the tiller through to keep weeds down so
they kinda take over - but since the squash keep growing we don't
worry about it. So now everything is picked and there are a lot of
weeds 3' high and some 5 and 6' high. I mow through real slow and
after a week go over it again. Then I will plow it under and in the
spring just disc and till . I thought of Clark as my Wheelhorse was
chewing up those big weeds chuckle

Ok guys let me update you, again.
The new lawntractor, the one Sears replaced FREE OF CHARGE went back to
Sears when they delivered my new one, free of charge,
The new lawntractor has been the F'ing fantastic !! ( I know some of you
don't wanna hear that)
But the replacement lawntractor has performed FLAWLESS.
BTW Kathy likes it so much, she has taken over the mowing, and towing the
lawn sweeper to take up the leaves and pine needles.
I'm now fixing the barn and winterizing the house and she's mowing!!!!!

I don't mind the ribbing (as I roll my eyes)
It was a pain at first but I really am happy I bought the mower I did, as
Kathy now loves to do the lawn. (that's really nice)
Now If I can get her to mow down the steep hills, I'd be all set.


You could end up being the idol of all the husbands on your street. Are you
going to try the Sears auto oil changing kit next. If you get her to take
that over you should write a book chuckle