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Old 09-10-2007, 07:46 PM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 431
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On Oct 9, 12:08 pm, wrote:
JM wrote:
should the last end of the season cut be in the North country be.I cut 3 to
4 inches high during the summer.Cut long or short?

In the south, I imagine a winter mow would be long. In the north, if you
get a lot of snow, you want to cut short. Cool season grasses like to
winter at 2 inches. Helps prevent the fungi.

Maybe your grass is different than mine, but I can't tell mine when to
stop growing. Here at the NJ shore, I typically cut into mid Dec, at
which point the grass is still slowly growing. The point being that
for most people, when they last cut it, it's still going to grow a bit
after that. So, cutting it on the short side is preferred.