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Old 08-10-2007, 12:22 PM posted to
Eggs Zachtly Eggs Zachtly is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 846
Default please identify this weed

[superceded to add a forgotten footnote]

Pawel Slusarz said:

Eggs Zachtly wrote:

Got any Liquidambar styraciflua in the area?

Not that I know of, but it's possible, even though the plant's official
range ends 300 miles south of here.

Really? Where'd you get your range information? A lookup of L. styraciflua
at [1] shows it's range as including ALL of the states from
Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, to the eastern seaboard (with the
exception of Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire), and California. I'm near
StL, and they're all over the freakin place, here. I'm hardly 300 miles
from mid-Missouri (I *am* in mid-Missouri).

I'm not saying that's what it is, but the first look at the leaves appear
so. There are other trees whos leaves resemble that of the Sweetgum. Have
you checked the tree lines around that area, for any suspects?

I have noticed that "aromatic foliage" is a quality of this plant. I
forgot to mention, but my "weed" emits a pleasant lime-like aroma when I
destroy the sprouts.

That would be a new one on me, then. Are the stems hollow?

I also see "chlorosis" mentioned as one of the
potential diseases - some of the sprouts (5% or so) end up dying from it
before I can get to them.

You could put all green plants in that category. Chlorosis can be caused by
several things (poor drainage, pH, nutrient deficiencies, etc). It's simply
a yellowing of tissue, due to a lack of (or diminished production of)




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