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Old 04-10-2007, 07:53 AM posted to aus.gardens
FarmI FarmI is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2007
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Default How much beer does it take to drown slugs?

"Sandgroper" wrote in message
Hubby's not all that happy about me swiping the stubby out from under his
chin as soon as it reaches the critical angle. I've had a stubby with
1/2 inch beer lying under an old cabbage leaf for days and, though there
seems to be some sort of blobs in the bottom, there's still many big fat
very much alive slugs in my garden!
Am I skimping on the beer?

Yes. If you only have one stubbie you need more and pour the stuff into a
saucer so the smell can travel to them and they can all get some. And top
up after rain or watering. Or try using vegemite and water int he saucer or
derris dust and cornflakes dampened with a bit of beer or water.