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Old 03-04-2003, 10:45 PM
Little Badger
Posts: n/a
Default o/t Pergola - advice please

I did made my pergola about two years ago and used one bag of Post-Fix (B&Q)
per upright! (Very easy to use!)

My posts are rock solid and have endured gales without movement of flexing!


"janet.bennett" wrote in message
My husband is in the process of erecting a pergola in our garden, but I

some advice

We have 4 upright posts - measuring 4" x 2" (height about 2 metres)

Have tried looking on the net to get an idea of the height, but can't find
I would like some help please with the following :

1. I don't want the pergola 2 metres high, but would like to know what

be an ideal height?
2 Measurements required here :
a. what height above ground should posts be?
b. how much below ground?

2. Concreting posts into ground :
a. how many bags of sand and cement do we need ? the ratio ? should
the mixture be on the dry side ?

Can someone help with the above, as I need to get the sand and cement on
Friday afternoon for the weekend.