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Old 28-09-2007, 01:23 AM posted to
Clark[_2_] Clark[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2007
Posts: 133
Default Ready for winter

Srgnt Billko wrote:
"Clark" wrote in message
Srgnt Billko wrote:
Getting ready for the cold days of winter. Split about a cord of
firewood today. Some mountain ash and some shag bark hickory. The
pile didn't go down much and I'm tired already.

I've got to split some wood too, I cut down a few black walnut
tree's this spring.
My father who is a licensed contractor (home additions and such) had
a fit, he mumbled something about it being the most expensive
firewood I would ever burn?


I know what he means but I've never seen one straight enough and large
enough to get much out of in the way of boards. I'm going to cut one
down too - maybe 25' high now. I tried for a couple years to find
someone who would come, take it, and transplant it - but found no

The black walnut I have here are straight, I have a customer that told me he
made a bat out of black walnut and it was the best bat he has ever owned.
I still have 5 or 6 on the property that are straight but only about 2'6"
wide (about ten feet up) and as you know, more narrow all the way up.
I'm told the walnuts are good to eat, but I've never tried one.
