Thread: You can do it
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Old 17-09-2007, 01:15 AM posted to
Art Art is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 253
Default You can do it

Srgnt Billko wrote:
we can help. Nothing ****es me off more than to ask for help and have
somebody come and read the brochure (that I have already read) to me. I take
that as they think I can't read - and that's a bit of an insult. Why can't
they just say "I don't know - but I will get someone who does" - or "Sorry
there is no one knowledgeable on that item available right now. But he or
she will be here after two. Can you come back then ?"

How about when - they come and look on the exact same shelves you just
searched and then declare "we must be out of them." Yet you're not
convinced because you never found an empty spot on the shelf where they
would be which is why you spent 20 ****ing minutes trying to find
someone ask where they are to begin with.

(having a really crappy day)