Flowers for Shady Areas
Stacia said:
Hello! I'm new to the group but new to gardening, too. I live in NE
Kansas and the front of my house is super shady - a little sun in the
morning and evening but otherwise shadowed by the house. I'm planning on
putting a little edging and some decorative gravel in the spot, but would
like to put some blooming flowers in pots in the area too. A Google
search wasn't very helpful - what sorts of flowers grow in the shade?
I don't care much about color, just something I could put in some nice
pots and sit out in the bed.
Tuberous begonias and Impatiens do well for me in pots on my north-facing
stoop, or on my shady patio. Either can add spectacular color. (Both will need
regular watering in very hot weather.)
Pat in Plymouth MI
Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(attributed to Don Marti)