Grub alert
On 9/13/2007 5:31 AM, Eggs Zachtly wrote:
When I find grubs at work, I toss them on the cart path. Within seconds,
every time, a mockingbird will swoop down and grab the grub. It's nice
watching the grub meet it's demise, and I swear the mockingbird whistled
"thanks". =D
What do you do when you find grubs at home?
Down here a grackle usually beats out the mockingbird. When I cut the
grass they follow behind the mower or stay just ahead and to the right,
scarfing up the grasshoppers trying to flee the mower. A real
prehistoric lookin' thing; the tail of the males longer than the body.
The whole bird is way longer than a 10" pine stick.
I wasn't born in Texas but
I got back here as soon as I could
Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now.