Thread: Grub alert
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Old 13-09-2007, 07:02 AM posted to
Jim Jim is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 282
Default Grub alert

Steveo wrote:

Jim wrote:
xPosTech wrote:

Steveo wrote:
Now is the time to be aware of white grub infestation/damage. The
forecast is for a strong grub cycle here in Ohio.

We have protection from grubs down here in Texas, in the form of
armadillos. They're about the size of your average possum 'cept they
have a hard shell (hence the familiar dish "possum on the half shell")
and small bony head. Long claws for digging and a long long tongue.

You can tell when they've been out the night before protecting your
lawn by all the &^%#$** holes they dig lookin' for the grubs. That
tongue is about ten inches long. Pointy and sticky at the end like its
got pine tar on it. Gets the grubs like anteaters get ,well, you know.

customers want me to get rid of the moles. I reply let me get
rid of the grubs. they say the grubs are not the problem, it's
the moles digging up the lawn causing the problem. then I reply,
have you ever heard of root cause analysis? then they ask what
do you think is wrong with the roots of my lawn.

Actually, worms are the moles most frequent meal.

true. however worm populations sufficient enough to attract
moles will leave visual signs above the surface making it rather
easy to determine if worms are present and therefore the root
cause of the mole population. grubs also create above ground
signs of their presence with dead patches of turf which are easy
to peel back revealing the grubs. it's always best to actually
determine the cause of the problem before attempting any solution
to what is thought to be the problem.

Killing the grubs may not
rid you of the moles.

it's all a matter of making the proper diagnoses


milky spore sucks used cock for grub control.

when applied in accordance with the product labeling I've
experienced excellent results.