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Old 13-09-2007, 03:39 AM posted to
Srgnt Billko Srgnt Billko is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 530
Default My turn screw-up

This might take a little pressure off Clark - but it is a little hard to
follow. KFC drive through for lunch $3.23. Pulled up to the delivery
window, put it in park. I had a five dollar bill and dug through the
console tray in my Cherokee for the change. Got my lunch, paid, and got my
$2 change. Went to put it in drive and it only went from park to reverse and
stopped. I tried a couple times - but wth, it's a '95 with lots of miles on
it and I assumed the linkage jammed. Nobody behind me so I backed it out of
the way, turned it off and had my lunch. I have roadside assistance /
towing but I was hungry - not in a hurry. Lunch finished - I figured I
should try it once more before I called the 800 number. No luck. But then
I looked closer at the console and there was a little (1/2" dia by 2" long)
black plastic tube that had been in the change tray and it was now perfectly
placed to block the shift lever from moving past reverse. My Jeep is a
little cluttered (dirty) and it blended right into the console. Can you
imagine if I had actually called the road-side assistance people ? Really
close to be really embarassing. So Clark - you are not alone.