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Old 07-09-2007, 01:32 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha Sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 2,995
Default OT speaking of mozzies

On 7/9/07 12:25, in article , "Uncle Marvo"

In reply to Sacha ) who wrote this in
, I, Marvo, say :

That's precisely the problem. We're going to Dalyan which is on an
estuary and friends, who have a villa there, have warned us that
mozzies can be a problem.

If you are worried about indoors, definitely take an electric gizmo which
plugs in, with the right adapter, and the tablets to fuel it. Bear in mind
that the gizmo HAS to be the right way up, with the tablet at the top. On
some foreign plug'oles the pins are vertical rather than horizontal and then
it is impossible to get it the right way. I have two adapters which put it
at right angles. The foreign ones are two-pin so it can then go either way

Yes, we've got one of those and two or three adaptors. I'll get some more
tablets. As the hotel is air-conditioned, I hope it won't be a problem -
it's more sitting outside to have a drink etc.

For outdoors, DEET definitely works, it is a good deterrent. Try some before
you go and if you get itchy or develop a rash, use something else. Anything
which disguises your delicious "I am food" smell does the job, even some
suntan oils. Sweat is the big attracter, and, as women don't sweat, I'm
surprise they ever get bitten!

I think in that heat there'll be a bit more than the 'gently glowing' going

Even vinegar works.

Oh lovely. I'll just open a chip shop and be done with it!

You're actually more likely to get bitten by other things than mossies.
There are horseflies in Turkey (and probably everwhere else).

I don't believe that Turkish mossies carry anything dodgy, like
malaria, so the worst you'll get is a bite and an itch.

They don't now. First time I sailed there back in 1989 or so, we
were told to take malaria tablets and duly started the course before
going. We boarded the coach to take us from the airport to our
yachts and the guide asked if we had all been good and taken our
tabs. We all chorused 'yes' and she said "oh good, well you can stop
right now because there hasn't been a case of malaria here for X
years"! ;-)

Take plenty of quinine tonic water, liberally mixed with gin! Most modern
stuff has no quinine in it, get the proper one. Just in case. It won't help
the malaria, but you won't care.

Don't forget to go to Efes if you haven't been already :-)

I've been, Ray hasn't. I hope we're going to get there because it's
*superb*. Did you see what the guide boasts is the oldest
advertisement in the world? ;-) And Fethiye market and Goçek and
Cleopatra's Bath etc. etc. It's a wonderful area.

I translated the advert as "Romans go home" :-)

I thought it was rather more "Romans come hither"! ;-)

South Devon
(remove weeds from address)
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