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Old 07-09-2007, 01:03 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
'Mike' 'Mike' is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 1,407
Default OT speaking of mozzies

"Sacha" wrote in message
. uk...
On 7/9/07 11:41, in article , "Uncle

In reply to Sacha ) who wrote this in
, I, Marvo, say :

Is there a consensus of opinion on the best anti-mozzie spray? I'd
love to have some surefire ideas before we head off to Turkey. ;-)

There are two sorts, one masks your smell, the other deters them; the
kind are usually poisonious to some degree and can cause rashes and
irritation, and usually contain DEET. It only affects a small proportion

Oh dear and Martin has just told me how good it is! I need something to
deter them I think because they really go for me. I've never found
citronella sprays etc. any good, though I know others swear by them.

I wonder if someone would like to point out my posting to Sacha. I am well
aware that she doesn't wish to correspond or reply to me, but I feel sure
that even she wouldn't shun a perfectly good mossy spray/wipe just because I
recommended it.

Or would she?


When we went on our World Cruise, because of where we were visiting we took
"Jungle Formula Insect Repellent" Available from Boots all the year round
because of travellers and available in Spray, Pump Action Spray and what we
found very handy, Handy Wipes.

If it's only Turkey, this stuff will do fine. We have been there at the
height of Summer so you will have no trouble


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