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Old 07-09-2007, 12:59 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha Sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
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Default OT speaking of mozzies

On 7/9/07 11:41, in article , "Uncle Marvo"

In reply to Sacha ) who wrote this in
, I, Marvo, say :

Is there a consensus of opinion on the best anti-mozzie spray? I'd
love to have some surefire ideas before we head off to Turkey. ;-)

There are two sorts, one masks your smell, the other deters them; the latter
kind are usually poisonious to some degree and can cause rashes and
irritation, and usually contain DEET. It only affects a small proportion of

Oh dear and Martin has just told me how good it is! I need something to
deter them I think because they really go for me. I've never found
citronella sprays etc. any good, though I know others swear by them.

I went to Turkey this year and had no mossie spray and didn't get bitten
once. I suspect the Turks smell stronger than I.

If you're by the sea they probably won't bother you anyway, it's not their
ideal habitat. They like ponds and rivers and long grass, basically warm and
damp. They can't survive with no shade in extremely hot temperatures, and
last time I looked Turkey was like the fires of hell.

That's precisely the problem. We're going to Dalyan which is on an estuary
and friends, who have a villa there, have warned us that mozzies can be a

I don't believe that Turkish mossies carry anything dodgy, like malaria, so
the worst you'll get is a bite and an itch.

They don't now. First time I sailed there back in 1989 or so, we were told
to take malaria tablets and duly started the course before going. We
boarded the coach to take us from the airport to our yachts and the guide
asked if we had all been good and taken our tabs. We all chorused 'yes' and
she said "oh good, well you can stop right now because there hasn't been a
case of malaria here for X years"! ;-)

Don't forget to go to Efes if you haven't been already :-)

I've been, Ray hasn't. I hope we're going to get there because it's
*superb*. Did you see what the guide boasts is the oldest advertisement in
the world? ;-) And Fethiye market and Goçek and Cleopatra's Bath etc. etc.
It's a wonderful area.
South Devon
(remove weeds from address)
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