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Old 05-09-2007, 06:05 AM posted to rec.gardens
Eigenvector Eigenvector is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 125
Default power rake vs. manual rake

"Sheldon" wrote in message
On Sep 3, 6:45?pm, "Eigenvector" wrote:
"Sheldon" wrote in message

On Sep 3, 11:49?am, "Eigenvector" wrote:
When it comes to working with grass does a power rake do a better job
a manual steel rake? I don't mean FASTER, but overall better job? Do
two implements even do the same job? Meaning can
this same job

Seems pretty obvious to me that the power rake will do a much better
job than anyone with a hand rake. Of course it depends on what you
desire to accomplish by raking, and what size area.

True, it all depends on what you need to do.

I first wanted to establish that they both CAN do the same thing.

I'm looking at overseeding a 10'x5' area of grass and the idea of renting
power rake seemed like a waste of money - especially when I can simply
accomplish the same thing with a metal rake. A 50 sq ft plot of land
going to kill me, but hauling around that power rake might. I don't need
rake the rest of my yard, its fine.

I don't suppose they sell sharpened version of a rake that can break up
top layer of dirt without destroying the grass - I guess they do, a

If you break up the earth that's called "seeding", not overseeding.

Well I guess that's one way to interpret that, however the manufacturer of
the seeds doesn't follow your definition. In either case break up the top
layer of soil is what I did.

As for a power rake, it would indeed have made the job easier, but I just
went ahead and raked the grass manually after work. I think if I had to do
a 1/4 acre or more, I rent a power rake, otherwise its just as efficient to
use a manual rake for that task - either way you still have to collect and
dispose of the material brought to the surface by the rake.