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Old 03-09-2007, 10:46 PM posted to talk.politics.animals,uk.environment.conservation,uk.rec.gardening,,uk.rec.birdwatching
Old Codger Old Codger is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 52
Default Deer shooting pair fined by court in Aberdeenshire - Lloyd Fowlie, 19, was fined £750 and Steven Wilson, 23, was fined £500

Gwyddno wrote:
If I might be permitted to make a suggestion at this point, I would
like to point out that the place for a discussion on the rights and
wrongs of shooting deer and pigeons is not on uk.rec.birdwatching, or
uk.rec.gardening. The clue is in the names. It's debatable whether
uk.environment.conservation and are
appropriate places to be discussing hunitng in America, but that's for
members of those groups to decide.

Finally, a plea from the heart. Please don't crosspost to any and all
'nature' oriented groups, use a little judgement: take five seconds to
think: "is a group dedicated to watching birds the right place to talk
about hunting deer?" Please?

Unfortunately you are making that request to Pete the Troll and his
mates. Their *only* interest is in stirring up trouble in as many
groups as possible.

Old Codger
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