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Old 04-09-2007, 12:45 AM posted to rec.gardens
Eigenvector Eigenvector is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 125
Default power rake vs. manual rake

"Sheldon" wrote in message
On Sep 3, 11:49?am, "Eigenvector" wrote:
When it comes to working with grass does a power rake do a better job
a manual steel rake? I don't mean FASTER, but overall better job? Do
two implements even do the same job? Meaning can
this the same job as

Seems pretty obvious to me that the power rake will do a much better
job than anyone with a hand rake. Of course it depends on what you
desire to accomplish by raking, and what size area.

True, it all depends on what you need to do.

I first wanted to establish that they both CAN do the same thing.

I'm looking at overseeding a 10'x5' area of grass and the idea of renting a
power rake seemed like a waste of money - especially when I can simply
accomplish the same thing with a metal rake. A 50 sq ft plot of land isn't
going to kill me, but hauling around that power rake might. I don't need to
rake the rest of my yard, its fine.

I don't suppose they sell sharpened version of a rake that can break up the
top layer of dirt without destroying the grass - I guess they do, a