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Old 01-09-2007, 02:02 AM posted to rec.gardens,alt.consumers.pest-control,,
Paul Cassel Paul Cassel is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 11
Default Possibly fruit flies indoors - luring & trapping them?

shaz likd wrote:
I've got these little insects / bugs / gnats.....whatever you want to
call them....buzzing around our kitchen and in the office room at home.
I initially thought they were small mosquitoes, but after having a
really close look at them, and getting to know them almost on a first-
name-basis, they are definitely not mosquitoes. (As an aside, I
definitely do get mosquitoes inside from time to time, and my hatred
for them drives me to the wall, but those airborne vampires are a
different matter). These little pests love my laptop screen too.
I think they might by fruit flies - possibly. Anyway, what is the best
attractant for fruit flies, if that's what these little pests are?
I've heard of apple cider vinegar. Well....I don't have any of that at
home, but I can guarantee you I do have alcoholic cider at home (love
it!). Obviously fruit flies like fruit, but what is the #1 best
attractant for them? I wanna seem them literally fighting each other
over whatever drowning bait I am going to use.

Fruit flies on your monitor? May be false chinch bugs. Why not grab one
up and send it to a local expert. Also w/o your location, nobody can
tell what this may be. I mean, for all I know, you're in Arabia.