Thread: Advice on Mower
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Old 30-08-2007, 04:52 AM posted to
Eggs Zachtly Eggs Zachtly is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 846
Default Advice on Mower

willshak said:

on 8/29/2007 3:08 PM Leigh_Stenson said the following:
Just been given a Mountfield SP470 powered mower. This was given by a
widow so she has no knowlege about the operation of the mower and there
is no documentation. It has a Briggs and Stratton engine and is I guess
8-10 years old. What fuel do I put in ordinary unleaded or do I
needsome two stroke mixture and if I do what is the ratio. I have not
had much success on the net I was wondering if anyone here had any

Does it have an oil check dip stick? If so, it's a 4 cycle and uses
regular gas.

Not all 4-stroke B&S have/had sticks. They /all/ have/had a place to add
oil, by itself, though.



After they make styrofoam, what do they ship it in?