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Old 22-08-2007, 10:27 PM posted to rec.gardens
Don Staples Don Staples is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2007
Posts: 236
Default Thuja Green Giant

"ctlady" wrote in message
Anybody here have these trees? I planted a couple dozen of them some
years ago, oh perhaps 8 years, and they're about 15 feet tall now. I
don't ever recall seeing cones on them. My neighbor planted a
property line full two years ago the this year they all have little
cones developing on them. Now, these are both the Green Giant variety
from Wayside Gardens. I've contacted them with the question but they
don't come up with any reason except that it's not genetic so I must
have something in my soil to prevent them from forming cones. The
trees are full and healthy and I'm just curious why the difference
between my and his trees. Both of our trees are planted along side
each other on the property line so the soil is the same.

Any answers??

No answers, some observations. Not all trees produce seed at the same age,
to many other conditions can come into play. Differences in soil, exposure,
moisture, etc, can change fruiting. Generally, trees under stress tend to
fruit sooner. Your neighbors could be root bound, and have dwarfed on him.
If yours are as you say, full and healthy, just wait a while.