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Old 02-04-2003, 05:56 AM
Just Me \Koi\
Posts: n/a
Default advice wanted on building 10,000 gal koi pond

Xref: news7 rec.ponds:102394

I second what others have already said! Please keep us posted with lots of
pictures, etc.

You are doing what I wish I could do.

One hint is to see as many websites as possible!

"The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is
like an eggs-and-ham breakfast:
The chicken was 'involved' - the pig was 'committed'."

"Dennis" wrote in message
I am about to embark upon the endeavor of building a 10,000-12,000 gal
koi pond with a 30 foot stream and 2000 gal header pond. I previously
owned (for 5 yrs)a 4,000 gal pond which was build by a landscaper.
This time I would really like to do it myself. I have read numerous
books and researched extensively on the net, plus I learned a few
things from my previous pond ownership. Are there any pitfalls I
should watch out for, or unique things I should consider in building a
pond this size? Any input would be much appreciated. I intend to use
bottom drains to a vortex filter, then to a series of mechanical and
biofilters, then a pump into the "veggie" filter header pond and
lastly, the filtration of the stream leading back to the larger pond.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions. Dennis