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Old 10-08-2007, 11:52 PM posted to
jacko jacko is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2007
Posts: 15
Default Safety advice for tractor mowers.

Go a little farther. There is no place for kids, or anyone else for that
matter, near a mowing operation. That includes any type of power mower, ride
on, walk behind gas or electric mower, or string weed whacker. Cutting grass
is not an observer sport. Its a dangerous, necessary chore that should not
include an audience. Just last week my weed-eater picked up a stone and
smashed the glass in my green house door. God forbid if it would have been a
grandkids eye.
"willshak" wrote in message
Some post about tool safety in another group reminded me of a grim
incident that happened a few years ago, which gave me chills and made a
lasting impression on me. It is more appropriate to this group, so I'll
write it here even though it still gives me chills just to write it.
A few years ago, I read about an accident involving a grandpa on a tractor
mower and his little granddaughter following close behind with a plastic
toy push mower. I won't go into the grim details, but had it be me, I
think I would have put a gun in my mouth. But for anyone using a tractor
mower while having toddlers around, or just grandkids visiting, pick up a
cheap set of rear view mirrors and mount them on the tractor.


In Hamptonburgh, NY
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