Cat Litter (can it be used on my flower beds)
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01-04-2003, 10:56 PM
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Cat Litter (can it be used on my flower beds)
In article , hayley hayley.ry
The cat litter that my cats used is the wood pellet type that soaks up any
mess. Once it has been used in the litter tray would it be ok to dig in my
flower beds (not veg patch). Has anybody got any info to suggest not to do
you can catch toxoplasmosis (sp) from cat poo which is very bad if you are
pregnant (but most gardeners and meat eaters are immune anyway). Also the
smell may encourage your cats (or other cats) to use your garden
Excuse me but that contradicts everything that has been said on this and
other newsgroups by cat owners.
"Get a cat of your own and the others won't come into your garden"
You are now saying that it will encourage others!!
Please explain.
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