location, location, location
Hi - newbie here with a one yr. + pond, two $10 koi, one $35 koi, two
"survivor" .12 cent goldfish and two new goldfish almost the same size
as their older siblings. We have an above ground 2600 gal. pond w/
waterfall - mostly in shade. In our short time as pond owners we've
survived the "raccoon/bucket massacre" (before the pond was ready) and
the chipmunk ate a f---ing 6" circular hole in the liner right before
Christmas fiasco. It has been a trial by fire and no one told me I
should've done water changes during the winter in our outdoor 100 gal.
temporary tank (sorry Lucy, yes, EVERYone has a name).
I'm here to learn but am always frustrated that most posters do not
mention their geographic location or the ones that do are not
pertinent to my seasonal situation (Virginia). While there is a
commonality that we all can enjoy in summer or temperate conditions -
there are some Chicago, Washington state, Florida stuff that isn't
exactly relative to my pond. Can folks try to mention where they are -
especially as temperatures rise/fall or pH changes dictate?
Pond Mom of Seven in Virginia