01-04-2003, 07:08 PM
advice wanted on building 10,000 gal koi pond
On 29 Mar 2003 19:22:02 -0800, (Dennis) wrote:
I am about to embark upon the endeavor of building a 10,000-12,000 gal
koi pond with a 30 foot stream and 2000 gal header pond. I previously
owned (for 5 yrs)a 4,000 gal pond which was build by a landscaper.
This time I would really like to do it myself. I have read numerous
books and researched extensively on the net, plus I learned a few
things from my previous pond ownership. Are there any pitfalls I
should watch out for, or unique things I should consider in building a
pond this size? Any input would be much appreciated. I intend to use
bottom drains to a vortex filter, then to a series of mechanical and
biofilters, then a pump into the "veggie" filter header pond and
lastly, the filtration of the stream leading back to the larger pond.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions. Dennis
"Are there any pitfalls I should watch out for,
or unique things I should consider in building a
pond this size? "
Envious glares from koi/pond friends, admiration from rec.ponders and most
likely a flat wallet. ;o) ~ jan
See my ponds and filter design:
~Keep 'em Wet!~
Tri-Cities WA Zone 7a
To e-mail see website
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